You're Invited to Breathe with... Gavin Andrews
Heart-focused living for better health and well-being

In 'the moment' tools for heart-focused, self-regulation...
Discover a simple approach to transforming your stress, boosting your resilience, and living your life with more health, more happiness, and, most importantly, more heart.
During this live breathe with... you'll discover and experience a system of fast, easy, and powerful self-awareness and self-regulation techniques that are easy to learn and designed to be used “in-the-moment”, whatever the situation; meaning that you can bring your best self to your personal and professional lives.
Tools and techniques that deliver powerful mental and physical health benefits including protection for your heart and brain.
Register your place today...
Discovering the importance of regulation and heart coherence practices for health and wellbeing
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Why you'll want to join us...

Understand the critical part your heart plays in self-regulation.

Learn powerful, effective techniques to use in any moment.

Witness biofeedback data to support the experience you'll have.
Meet Gavin
Gavin Andrews is Managing Director for HeartMath in the UK and Ireland.
Gavin discovered the powerful benefits of HeartMath, coherence, and heart-based living 16 years ago during a difficult period in his life. Since then, he has found joy, meaning, and purpose in sharing the science and practice of coherence and biofeedback with others.
In addition to sharing coherence practice through HeartMath, Gavin also founded WeAddHeart, an international meditation movement empowering people to connect with their own hearts and the hearts of others; to live more fully from the heart, and to add more heart and coherence to the world.
Gavin is passionate about finding practical ways to help people discover calm, clarity, and coherence in our increasingly chaotic and stressful world.
Recently he co-launched Syntropy States, a digital arts start-up, and launched Syntropy, a unique wellbeing app that employs the power of abstract and psychedelic art videos, combined with chillout soundscapes, to help people practice coherence breathwork, relaxation, and meditation.

What to expect during this live event...
During this packed session, Gavin will describe what HeartMath is, what drew him to it, and why coherence practice is so beneficial, for our total health and well-being!
You'll be guided through just one of the powerful 'in the moment' techniques HeartMath created to support the reduction of stress and anxiety and promote resilience, and self-regulation in any given moment.
Plus, you'll witness the biofeedback technology that gives you real-time insight into your emotional, mental, and physical state and helps you develop the ability to self-regulate physiology, emotions, thoughts, and behaviours.
We'll talk about the other ways he's creating a more heart-focused world for himself and for society at large, including - WeAddHeart (a global heart-focussed meditation movement) and Syntropy, a unique well-being app that employs the power of abstract and psychedelic art videos, combined with chillout soundscapes, to help people practice coherence breathwork, relaxation and meditation.
And as if that weren't enough you'll be invited to experience a Syntropy video.
Watch this session on a big screen (if possible), sit comfortably, and wear your headphones!